Dear reader, the words that come of your mouth will either make it difficult or make it easy for you to enter heaven (see Matthew 12:36-37).
In this article I give you some words that contribute to your eternal life.
These words will simplify your entry into heaven.
“I am sorry”
Saying “I am sorry” brings healing to the affected person and these words will acquit you on the Day of Judgment.
“I am sorry” prevents you and the affected person from descending into hell.
“I apologize”
When you say that “I apologize“, you remove a great obstacle that would have prevented you, and the affected person, from entering heaven.
Satan sinned against God but up now he has never apologized. As a result, judgement has already been made and his final destination will be hell.
“I was wrong, you were right”
Admitting a mistake solves many problems that would have prevented you and the affected person from entering heaven.
It is better to lose your earthly honor and dignity than ending up in hell.
“I am responsible”
You save many people from punishment when you say “I am responsible“. This is exactly what our Lord Jesus Christ did.
Jesus was a person of great honor but he humbled himself to the lowest level and accepted responsibility for all our sins..
Jesus told our Father in Heaven like this:
I take responsibility for the sins of all the people on earth. Accept any repentant sinful person who believes in me. That person shall not perish but have eternal life.
see John 3:16
The result of humbling yourself.
When you humble yourself, God our Father will exalt you.
Because Jesus Christ accepted responsibility for our sins, God our Father exalted him above all other people as shown in the Bible verse below:
Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
and gave him the name that is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Philippians 2:9-11
These words will simplify your entry into heaven.