Dear reader, the reason this website was started is to equip Christians with secrets of God’s Kingdom. In this article I present to you a mighty Bible verse that reverses curses, witchcraft, and demons back to the sender.
I was facing a powerful enemy.
The witch who attacked me was very powerful and, as a result, the following strange things happened to me as I drove a new workplace car.
- A strange force started breaking some metallic parts of the brand new vehicle I was driving!
- The battery of this new car I was driving got loosened by itself!
- A strange force was pushing this same vehicle I was driving into the opposite lane! Three times I survived being hit by vehicles from the opposite direction.
- As I continued driving, an old tractor tire was pushed down the slope by playing boys and it missed this same vehicle I was driving by a few inches! I found this so strange.
- As I slept that very night, the Lord showed me in a supernatural vision a black snake coiled all around the engine of the very same car I had been driving during the day!
Our Father in Heaven got angry.
The Lord got angry because of what the witch was doing to me. For this reason, Father in Heaven gave me a Bible verse that made me more powerful than the witch.
Here is the Bible verse Father in Heaven gave me.
The Lord gave me this Bible verse and instructed me to use it as a weapon in case of any other demonic attack. Here is the verse:
Whoever digs a pit will fall into it;
if someone rolls a stone, it will roll back on them.
Proverbs 26:27
I used the Bible verse God gave me.
The following day I got one more spiritual attack on my car and then I quickly remembered the Bible verse Father in Heaven gave me.
I took out my pocket Bible and quickly opened Proverbs 26:27. This is what I shouted:
It is written in the Bible that if someone digs a pit, he will fall into it;
and if someone rolls a stone, it will roll back to him.
In Jesus’s Name I declare that whatever evil my enemy wanted to happen to me
will instead happen to him within the next three days, in Jesus’s Name
This happened after I pronounced the Bible verse!
Dear reader, you may not believe this, but it happened after I pronounced those words. In the evening as I lay on my bed I saw something strange in a supernatural vision.
In this vision I saw the snake that had coiled around the engine of my vehicle. This time I saw this snake uncoiling from the same engine.
After uncoiling, this snake flew a distance of 40 km, to where my enemy lived, and it coiled in the engine of his vehicle! Then the vision ended and I suddenly woke up.

My enemy was involved in a serious accident.
On the third day after I pronounced Proverbs 26:27, my enemy, in whose car engine the snake had entered, was involved in a serious car accident that almost took his life!
After that car accident, this man vowed never to attack me again with witchcraft and demonic forces.
From that incident, I never got any other disturbance from that man.
Several years later this man died, but as for me, our Father in Heaven is still keeping me alive.
The Bible verse that reverses curses, witchcraft, and demons to the sender.