Dear reader, there is something about messenger angels that our Father in heaven showed me recently, and I would like to share it with you.
If you put into practice what I am about to tell you, I assure you that you will reap many blessings from God.
How the Lord gave me this message.
Due to the COVID-19 epidemic and the lockdowns, I had taken some time off from church. One night, after all the movement restrictions had been removed, the Lord came to me in a dream and asked me this strange question:
I always send you my messenger angels,
but they come back to me without finding you, why?
I answered the Lord like this:
Lord, I am always present at home,
and I have never seen your messenger angels.
Then the Lord replied:
I always send my messenger angels to my house (the church building),
to look for you during the services, but they don’t find you.
Why don’t you come to church?
I was at loss for words because I knew that the Lord was telling the truth. I hadn’t been to church for a while.
After this supernatural experience, I decided to resume church attendance without any delay.
The supernatural visions within the church.
You may find it hard to believe what I am about to tell you, but it is the truth. The Sunday I resumed attending church I saw three consecutive supernatural visions of God’s divine provisions and blessings during the church service. These visions occurred to me in less than an hour.
I saw these visions with my spiritual eyes as I sat in the church.
I believe these visions resulted from the presence of God’s messenger angels within the church building. Since then, I have been seeing more supernatural visions every time I sit in the Sunday church service.
The first supernatural vision.
In the first supernatural vision I saw the hands of a person bring me a basket of beautiful avocado fruits. The basket was placed near my seat in the church and the person (God’s messenger angel) vanished.
The second vision.
In the second vision I saw the hands of a person bringing to me a bag of uncooked rice. The bag was placed near my seat in the church and the person (God’s messenger angel) disappeared.
The third vision.
In the third vision I saw the hands of a person bringing to me a basket of roasted peanuts. The basket was placed near my seat in the church and the person (God’s messenger angel) vanished.
God sends his messenger angels to the church building.
What I have learned from all these experiences is that our Father in heaven is more likely to send his messenger angels with blessings into the church building than to any other place.
There is a direct link between God’s throne in Heaven and true houses of God on earth.
The messenger angel found Zechariah in God’s house.
To emphasize this message, the Lord showed me Zechariah the husband of Elizabeth. This man had no child and he had many burdens in his heart, but he never stopped going to God’s house (see Luke 1:5-9).
It was in God’s house that God’s messenger angel announced to Zechariah the news of Elizabeth’s surprise pregnancy and miracle baby.
The messenger angel from God didn’t go to Zechariah’s residence, but went to the church building (God’s house) where Zechariah had gone to worship God.
Do your best to attend church.
From these experiences you can see that God’s messenger angels are more likely to meet you at the church, than at your home.
For this reason our Father in Heaven, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit encourage all people to always go to God’s house to get God’s answers to their prayers.
This is where angels deliver God’s answers.