Dear reader, there comes a time when Heavenly Father sees your tears. This sign shows that God has seen your suffering.
God saw the suffering of the Israelites in Egypt.
First, for many years the Israelites thought that God was not listening to their prayers. Then one day our Heavenly Father spoke:
I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering.
Exodus 3:7
This actualy happened to me.
I remember one day I felt like God wasn’t hearing my prayers and had completely forgotten about me. So, during my prayer time, I asked God like this:
Lord, you made some good promises to me; will these promises ever come to pass?
After this short prayer, I fell asleep. Then, suddenly, while I was sleeping, I had an unusual dream. In this dream, I saw a group of angels descending from heaven. They came to the place where I was sleeping singing like this:
Great is thy faithfulness,
Great is thy faithfullness, Great is thy faithfulness …

As they continued singing, I woke up from this strange dream. Heavenly Father had sent these angels to assure me that He is always faithful to His promises.
God will give you an assurance.
As stated above, Heavenly Father will show you one way or another that He has seen your tears and heard your prayers. This can be through a dream, a supernatural vision, a friend, your pastor or through a Bible verse.
Heavenly Father gave an assurance to Abraham.
To illustrate this further, Abraham had lost all his faith because for many years God had not given him a child. Then one day he told God like this:
You have given me no children; so a servant in my household will be my heir.
Genesis 15:3
In response, God led Abraham outside the tent and said:
Look up at the sky and count the stars—if indeed you can count them.
Genesis 15:5

Then he said to him:
So shall your offspring[a] be.
Genesis 15:5
Abraham believed God, and as a result of that faith, Heavenly Father fulfilled everything He had promised Abraham.
In conclusion, heaven is asking you build your faith in God daily. God is always faithful. Soon or later he will wipe away all your tears and take away all your suffering.