Dear reader, our Heavenly Father is looking for many people, however they don’t realise it. This sign I am about to show you shows that God is looking for you.
This actually happened to me.
You may find it hard to believe, but this actually happened to me. After the national COVID-19 lockdown was lifted in the second half of 2021, it took me a long time to return to church. As I had done during the COVID-19 lockdown, I continued to attend church services online, including on Sundays.
Then one night something strange happened to me while I was sleeping. In a supernatural dream, I saw someone asking me like this:
I always send my angels to look for you, but they cannot find you; Why?
I was confused by this question, therefore I told this person like this:
Lord, I have always been at home but I have never seen any of your angels!
Then the Lord replied:
No, I don’t mean your home. I always sent my angels to the churches in your city. They don’t see you coming to church anymore, why?
After that clarification, I realised that God was right: I had taken a long time without attending church. This was contrary to God’s instruction to us in Hebrews 10:25, where he exhorts us to always attend church.

I resumed going to church the next Sunday.
After that supernatural vision, I resumed going to church the following Sunday, and I have never stopped since then. Through this attendance I have seen God’s supernatural protection and blessings.
Here is the sign that God is looking for you.
As a matter of fact, if you have taken sometime without going to God’s house (the church), then know for sure that our Heavenly Father is looking for you. God is always sending his angels to look for you, but they don’t see you in God’s house.
The reason why God is looking for you.
Our Heavenly Father is looking for you because he loves you. God wants to bless you, and has made all the necessary arrangements for you to acquire eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ. He does not want you to perish in hell where there is eternal torment and suffering.
God sent his angel to look for Zechariah at church.

To illustrate my point, Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth had many problems in their marriage, including childlessness. The time came and God remembered this desperate couple. Interestingly, when the time came for God to answer their prayers, He did not send His angel to the residence of Zechariah and Elizabeth. Instead, God sent the angel to their church where Zechariah received the good news that they would have a child named John (See Luke 1:5-2:20).
In conclusion, God is telling you that never give up going to church. It is at church that God sends his angels to bless your life, and to ensure that you never perish into hell.