Three common regrets people will have on God’s judgement day.

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Alt=Six common regrets people will have on God's judgement day
Six common regrets people will have on God’s judgement day.




Makko Musagara




Dear reader, the final day of God’s judgement will be like no other. This article presents three common regrets people will have on God’s judgement day.

It will be a day of great sorrow and regret.

First, we must know that the day of God’s judgment will be filled with great sorrow, regret, anguish of heart, despair, and extreme mental distress. Multitudes of people will come to the judgment seat of Jesus Christ for mercy and forgiveness, but the angels of God will turn them away. Millions of people will want to repent on that day but it will be too late. Because you can only repent while you are still alive on earth.

Here are the six common regrets people will have on that day.

1. I wish I had listened to the gospel preacher.

To begin, the Holy Spirit will remind many people of the day and hour they heard the preacher of the Gospel on the radio, on television, on the street and elsewhere.

The Holy Spirit will also remind them of the day and hour when they read about Jesus Christ, but without paying much attention. Most will regret not taking Jesus Christ seriously.

2. I wish I hadn’t abandoned Jesus Christ.

Second, backsliders will cry with anguish regretting why they abandoned Jesus Christ when they were still living on earth. Listen to what God’s word in the Bible says about all backslidden people:


26 If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, 27 but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God.



Furthermore, God’s angels will display each person’s sins on the heavenly screens.  Consequently, many people will cry out bitterly regretting why they committed those sins. They will ask God for a second chance, but it will already be too late.

Therefore, God calls all people to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and to walk in repentance and holiness at all times.



Three common regrets people will have on God’s judgement day.


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