Is it possible to say that the Holy Spirit is in a particular person? Yes, it is possible – and this article shares with you three signs that the Holy Spirit is within a person.
1. This person will begin to hate sin.
First, if the Holy Spirit is in a person, then that person will begin to hate sin in all its forms. Such a person will keep away from sins like sexual immorality, pornography, lies, lack of self-control, strife, jealousy, anger, quarrels, factions, envy, drunkenness and other sins.
However, if a person quickly rushes into sin, such as sexual immorality, then the Holy Spirit is not in that person.
2. Self-control.
Second, if a person demonstrates self-control in a tempting situation, then that person has the Holy Spirit within them. As a matter of fact, a person who rushes into sin acts stupidly and is without self-control.
And he who devises evil plans is hated (see Proverbs 14:17). Like a city in ruins and without walls, left unprotected, he is a man who has no control over his mind and who exposes himself to trouble.
3. Keeping the commandments of Jesus Christ.
Furthermore, if the Holy Spirit is in a person, that person will always be willing to keep the commandments or teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. These teachings are found in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in the Bible.
Listen to what God’s written word says in the Bible:
Jesus replied,
“Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.”
John 14:23
The commands of our Lord Jesus Christ include being born again, rejoicing always, letting our light shine on others, and being righteous always. Jesus also asked us to reconcile quickly, avoid coveting, and not divorcing except in cases of unfaithfulness.
Also, Jesus asked us to love our enemies, being perfect always, donating in secret, praying always and forgiving others always. Other commands are, storing our treasures in heaven, refusing to worry, not to judging others, and to be of service to others.
Three simple signs that the Holy Spirit is in a person.