Makko Musagara
Dear reader, the Devil does not want you to be rich. Satan knows that if you become prosperous, you will promote the expansion of the Kingdom of God. This article shows you what Satan does to make sure you always stay poor.
Satan hinders your tithing.
Satan does not need to perform complicated procedures to steal your blessings. All he has to do is convince you not to tithe. If the Devil succeeds in blocking your tithes, he has succeeded in hindering your prosperity. You will become a victim of Satan’s regular thefts and you will slowly sink into poverty.
Why is tithing so powerful?
Your tithe is so powerful because God uses it to keep demons and everything bad from touching your finances. Listen to what God has promised if you bring the tithe to church.
I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not drop their fruit before it is ripe,” says the Lord Almighty.
Malachi 3:11
What does the Lord mean when He says He will keep pests from devouring your crops?
God means the following:
1. God will not give Satan permission to steal your finances.
2. Angels will fight Satan and demons to prevent them from stealing your heavenly blessings released by God.
3. The angels of God will prevent human thieves from stealing your finances and properties on Earth.
4. God will make sure you spend your money responsibly. With God’s help, you will not incur unnecessary expenses.
5. The angels of God will urge everyone who owes you money to pay quickly.
6. God will bless everything you lay your hands on,
7. God will fight against any human being who confronts you.
8. Heavenly Father will protect you and your family from any natural or man-made disaster that could affect your income. Natural disasters include droughts, wildfires, floods and pandemics. Man-made disasters include economic recession, inflation,