Dear reader, when some people think of serving God, they picture a life of luxury like driving expensive cars or owning personal jets. On the contrary, this article shows that you must go through great trials if you want to serve God successfully.
God’s servants Abraham and Sarah.
Sarah and Abraham were much loved by God, but they endured the great trial of serving God childless. This was the great test that God had put before them. They had to pass this test before God could promote them.
Our Heavenly Father rewarded them with the boy Isaac, and with many descendants for passing this test.

God’s servant Job
Our Heavenly Father loved Job more than any other person on earth. However, Job had to pass God’s test before he could be promoted. He lost everything he had including all his sons and daughters.
After passing this test, God promoted Job and rewarded him abundantly.

God’s servant Daniel
Daniel was one of the greatest servants of God. However, Daniel’s greatness came after his faith had been tested with great trials.
One time Daniel was thrown into a blazing furnace of fire, and he passed that test. On another occasion he was thrown into a den of lions, and he overcame that trial as well.
Our Lord Jesus Christ.
The exaltation of Our Lord Jesus Christ did not come without trial. Jesus endured the trial of being crucified with great shame.
After this trial God exalted Jesus Christ to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

You have to go through great trials if you want to serve God.