Dear reader, all ocean, lake, and river beaches are places of intense superhuman activity. You will look at beaches differently after reading this article.
First listen to this.
I remember one weekend when my wife and I went on vacation to a beautiful rural resort near the Nile River. Out of curiosity and adventure we chose a cottage that was closer to the bank of this river.
As we both fell asleep in the middle of the night, the Lord revealed something terrifying to me. Suddenly I saw a strange beast emerging from the bottom of the Nile River and slowly making its way towards our cottage. As he tried to force his way through the front door, I abruptly woke up from this vision. I never went back to bed as I prayed asking God for divine protection against the dark kingdom of the Nile River.

Beaches are places of intense supernatural activity.
Although most people don’t realize it, beaches are places of intense supernatural activity, especially at night. During the night, beaches become busy transition areas for demonic forces moving from Satan’s marine kingdom to places of human activity on land.
At night beaches are like busy airports.
Since beaches border between Satan’s marine kingdom and land inhabited by humans, at night they are like busy airport terminals. Unknown to many, there are some devil worshippers who go to beaches with the aim of crossing over from land to Satan’s marine kingdom.
Likewise, at night, many humans who were transformed during their visit to Satan’s sea kingdom move from the water to dry land.

Use the weapon of prayer and fasting.
Therefore, if you stay near a beach, you must entrust your life to Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Additionally, you must live a life of regular prayer and fasting to defeat the demonic spirits of Satan’s sea kingdom.
You will look at beaches differently after reading this.