Even though the devil fights hard to plunge our entire planet into sin and darkness, some countries are fighting back. More and more people in these countries are now seeking the presence of the Holy Spirit through prayer and repentance.
This article presents to you 10 countries where a great revival for Jesus Christ is taking place.
1. Colombia
Spiritual renewal crosses denominational lines in this largely Catholic Latin American country. Even though the country faces many political and social challenges, there is a greater openness than ever to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
2. Venezuela
God is bringing revival to the people of Venezuela. People’s eyes are opened to the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ and their hearts are transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit.
During the March for Jesus on October 12 last year, the nation of Venezuela united to proclaim Jesus as King of the country. Christians filled the streets exalting the name of Christ.
This march culminated in a great service during which Christians publicly proclaimed the glory, majesty and supremacy of our Lord the Savior.
3. France
There is spiritual hunger in France and the wind of God is sweeping through the hearts of men, women, and children. According to the Evangelical Federation of France (FEF), the number of evangelical churches has risen from 800 in 1970 to over 2,200 today.
4. Nigeria

Nigeria is in the midst of a renaissance. We are seeing massive conversions among predominantly non-Christian populations. There’s a serious revival going on and it’s like a steamroller and nothing can stop this wind of the Holy Spirit.
5. India
Many people do not seem to be aware of the remarkable spiritual awakening taking place in India. Wonderful answers to prayers as well as unexplained miracles are occurring in many parts of this country.
Unprecedented numbers of people have turned to Jesus Christ across the Indian subcontinent over the past decade.
6. The United States of America.

Even as the United States of America has slowly turned its back on God, there are some encouraging signs emerging from there. People who love God are finding new and bold ways to send the message of Jesus Christ to lost souls. Once again, California appears to be the epicenter of this prayer and evangelical renewal.
7. Cameroon

Cameroon is undergoing spiritual purification through the hundreds of revival churches that have developed in this country. God’s ministers declare God’s word with authority and the Church is winning spiritually in many cities.
8. DR Congo
A lot of people in the DR Congo, including Catholics, are reportedly turning to evangelical churches, which, they say, are more relevant to their needs, including miraculous healing.
9. Phillipines
The Philippines is undergoing a great revival that has never been seen before in this nation. Today we see God moving powerfully in the hearts of the youth of the Philippines.
They are crying out for their generation. But nothing is more beautiful than seeing the body of Christ working together to fulfill God’s amazing plan for the nation.
10. Cuba
A great revival is taking place in Cuba. The people of Cuba are hungry for a genuine movement of God and are praying for the nation to be revived. Congregations meet in house churches that often grow so quickly that they overflow into the open air. The Holy Spirit moves in signs, wonders and miracles throughout Cuba right now
10 countries where a great revival for Jesus Christ is taking place.