10 dangers of favoring one child over others

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10 dangers of favoring one child over others.




Makko Musagara




Dear reader, you are making a very big mistake if you are treating one of your children better than all the others. In this article I give you 10 dangers of favoring one child more than others.


If you are treating one of your children better than the others, then you are unknowingly creating jealousy among the remaining children. This jealousy may finally bring about death in your family.


When you favor one child more than the others, you make the other children angry. Anger will open a door for Satan and demons to torment the unloved children. These children may be attacked by spirits of pornography, alcoholism, prostitution, and stealing.


You create hatred among the remaining children. They will hate the favored child. See Genesis 37:4.


The unloved child may develop a spirit of murder. They may try to kill the favored child. See Genesis 37:18.


The unloved child may develop a spirit of revenge.


You are bringing about divisions in your family. Our Father in Heaven does not like a person who brings about divisions. God likes a person who brings about unity.

Turmoil within your family.

When you favor one child more than the others, there will be no peace in your family. The unloved children will show their bitterness in one way or another.

You are inviting the Devil and demons.

When you favor one child more than the others, then you opening a door for Satan and demons to torment your family. It will take a lot of prayers for deliverance to take place.

Inhibiting God’s blessings.

When you love one child more than all the others, you are making the other children look inferior. They may think that they are naturally bad. This will inhibit God‘s blessings in their lives.


When you favor one child more than the others, then you are bringing Hell closer to one or more of you children.





Prière qui bloque Satan.


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3 Responses

  1. Mary

    So true! My mother blatantly favored one of my sisters over my other sister and me and it caused resentment and division. That sister was always a liar and manipulator. She calls herself a “Christian” but destroys other people’s reputations, lies, and uses people for money. She is a sociopath. Everything you list here is exactly true!!! This is what happened in our family because my mother favored my sister. My other sister and I were treated like second class citizens.

  2. Mary

    So true! My mother blatantly favored one of my sisters over my other sister and me and it caused resentment and division. That sister was always a liar and manipulator. She calls herself a “Christian” but destroys other people’s reputations, lies, and uses people for money. She is a sociopath. Everything you list here is exactly true!!! This is what happened in our family because my mother favored my sister. My other sister and I were treated like second class citizens.

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