Dear reader, you may ask yourself: can our Father in Heaven be stressed? The answer is yes. God can be stressed because of the wicked imaginations of people on Earth. If you want to confirm what I am saying, read Genesis 6:5-6. In this article I show 10 imaginations by Christians that stress God
Planning to hurt the feelings of another person.
Our Father in Heaven gets stressed when he sees a Christian person on Earth with thoughts of planning to hurt the feelings of an innocent person. God regrets why he created that Christian.
Planning to put in danger the life of an innocent person.
God is troubled when he sees a Christian person planning to endanger the life of an innocent person. Our Father in Heaven will regret why he created that Christian.
Imaginations of sexual immorality.
Our Father in Heaven gets disturbed when he sees a Christian person on Earth with imaginations of sexual immorality. God may ask himself:
Why did I create human beings?
Thoughts that do not forgive.
God gets stressed when he sits in Heaven and sees a Christian person on Earth with thoughts that do not forgive.
Witchcraft, Sorcery, the occult, and Satanism.
Our Father in Heaven will get upset when he sees a Christian with thoughts of planning involvement into witchcraft, sorcery, the occult and Satanism.
God is much troubled when he sees a Christian with imaginations of revenge. He keeps on wondering why that Christian does not leave revenge to Father in Heaven (Romans 12:19).
Imaginations of rebellion.
Father in Heaven will get upset when he tells a Christian on Earth to do something, and that Christian gets thoughts of rebellion in his heart.
Our Father in Heaven is burdened when he sees the mind of a Christian getting filled with imaginations of uncontrolled anger. God knows that these thoughts will lead that Christian into Hell.