Dear reader, the major weapon that scares Satan and demons are the spoken words you quote directly from the Bible. This article presents to you 3 Bible verses Satan and demons fear most.
First, when you quote the word of God straight from the Bible, it comes out of your mouth like fire. This fire burns Satan and demons until they flee. I always use these three verses, and the results are very good.
Whatever you bind on earth will be[a] bound in heaven.
Mathew 16:19
When you are facing demonic attacks and you shout that:
“It is written that «Whatever we bind on earth will be[a] bound in heaven»,
demons will know that you are about to bind them. They will start trembling. Then they will flee. If they do not flee, then they will be bound and cast into the bottomless pit where they will be tormented until God’s day of judgement.
This is the reason why Satan and demons are so scared of this Bible verse.
Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit.
1 Corinthians 6:19
Second, when you feel that demons have entered your body, and you say that:
“It is written that: «My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit»”,
then those demons that have entered your body will get scared. They will start trembling. Demons will know that they have no legal rights to stay in your body. They will flee. After pronouncing this Bible verse, command these demons to leave your body immediately. Invite the Holy Spirit to occupy your body so that demons will have no space within you. This verse is also very good when you are praying for God’s healing.
They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb.
Revelation 12:11
Third, when you are facing demonic attacks, and you say that:
“It is written that: «We overcame the Devil by the Blood of Jesus Christ»,
then those demons attacking you will start trembling. They will not wait. They will flee because they will know that you are about to invoke the Blood of Jesus Christ at that particular location.
Winygister willies
Thanks a lot it really helped
Makko Musagara
You are welcome. May God continue blessing you.
Thank you. God bless you and your loved ones. We would be under siege if not for the Holy Redeemer Jesus Christ. Again, thank you for preaching online by the Holy Spirit.
Tiiti Titus
Makko Musagara
compliance for centralized exchanges
Thanks for sharing your wisdom.