Dear reader, you will put yourself in grave danger if you look at the other person with a sexual desire. In this article I show you six dangers of looking at a woman or a man with lust.
You open the door for Satan.
The devil is always waiting for an opportunity to attack you. This opportunity will come when you look at the other person with lust.
Demons will enter your body.
The moment you look at the other person with lust, Satan will command many demons to enter your life (see 2 Samuel 11:2).
These demons include the evil spirits of fornication, adultery, prostitution, rape, and incest.
You will need lots of prayers and fasting to expel these demons out of your body.

You are unknowingly sexually sleeping with that person.
When you look at the other person with lust, you are actually unknowingly sleeping with that person within the spiritual realm.
Listen to what our Lord Jesus Christ said about this subject:
But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully
has already committed adultery
with her in his heart.
The difficult question on the Day of Judgement.
On God’s Day of Judgement, Jesus Christ will ask many married Christians this question:
How many spouses,
did you have on earth?
Then the Christian will answer like this:
Only one spouse, Lord.
Then the Lord will ask the Christian like this:
How come I see so many sexual partners,
lining up behind you?
The Christian will not be aware that the other sexual partners the Lord is discerning are those that the Christian looked at lustfully when he was still living on earth.
Opening the gate to Hell.
When you look at the other person with lust, you are unknowingly opening the gate to Hell where there is everlasting torture, suffering, thirst, and fiery flames of fire.
4 Dangers of looking lustfully at another person.