Dear reader, God condemns injustice throughout the Bible. This is what our Father in Heaven says:
For I, the Lord, love justice; I hate robbery and wrongdoing. In my faithfulness I will reward my people and make an everlasting covenant with them.
Isaiah 61:8
Below I give 6 curses of administering injustice.
1. First, when you administer injustice, you are headed for trouble.
He who sows injustice will reap [a harvest of] trouble,
And the rod of his wrath [with which he oppresses others] will fail.
Proverbs 22:8
2. Second, God will withhold His blessings from you.
You shall pursue justice, and only justice [that which is uncompromisingly righteous], so that you may live and take possession of the land which the Lord your God is giving you.
Deuteronomy 16:20
3. God will curse you.
Cursed is anyone who withholds justice from the foreigner, the fatherless or the widow.”
Then all the people shall say, “Amen!”
Deuteronomy 27:19
4. Injustice may destabilize the whole country.
The king establishes (stabilizes) the land by justice, But a man who takes bribes overthrows it.
Proverbs 29:4
5. When you sow injustice, be sure you will reap calamity.
Whoever sows injustice reaps calamity, and the rod they wield in fury will be broken.
Proverbs 22:8
6. Administering Injustice will lead you to Hell.
7. Administering injustice may lead your children, and grandchildren, into suffering.
Eventually, you would be dead by now and your children and grandchildren would be constantly wondering why they are suffering in this world when they have done nothing wrong. Only a prophet of God can tell them that they are suffering because of their father or grandfather who administered injustice.
6 curses for administering injustice