Dear reader, if you were to study the causes of curses and misfortunes in people’s lives today, you will find that many are suffering because of a quarrel they had at some point in their lives.
In this article I show you six quarrels that can bring a lot of curses on a persons life.
A quarrel with a falsely accused person.
If in a quarrel you falsely accuse an innocent person, Heavenly Father will rain curses upon your life, for it is written in the Bible that:
You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.
Deuteronomy 5:20
When you accuse someone falsely, whatever curse they pronounces upon you will come to pass.
A quarrel with your parents.
Quarreling with your parents will bring you a lot of curses that may damage your future. During such an argument, whatever curse your parent announces on your life will come to pass.
A quarrel with God’s servant.
If I were you, I would not pick up a quarrel with any true servant of God. If you do, you will only be bringing curses upon your life.
A quarrel with a person involved in witchcraft, the occult or Satanism.
Except if you are strong in Jesus Christ, I advise you not to pick up a quarrel with a person involved in witchcraft, the occult or Satanism. If you are not protected by the blood of Jesus Christ, whatever curse that type of person pronounces on your life will come to pass
Husband and wife.
The devil uses quarrels between husband and wife to heap curses upon their lives. It will take a lot of repentance and apologies to remove these curses.
A quarrel with a person in a position of authority.
The written word of God instructs us to respect people in authority ( see Romans 13:1-7 ). Therefore you will be bringing curses upon yourself if you start a quarrel with a person in a position of authority.
So, what are we supposed to do?
It is better always to avoid quarreling. This is what the Lord says:
Do not repay anyone evil for evil.
Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone.
If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
Do not take revenge, my dear friends,
but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written:
“It is mine to avenge; I will repay,”[a] says the Lord.
Romans 12:17-19
6 Quarrels that can bring you many curses.