Dear reader, are you worried that your man may cheat on you? Do not worry any more and just continue praying. Our Father in Heaven can actually help you.
In this article I show you 6 ways God stops your man from cheating on you.
Transport failures.
God can cause transport failures every time your man wants to go and cheat on you. For example, God’s angels can cause a flat tire or another mechanical problem every time your man attempts to drive out to cheat on you.
Our Father in Heaven can cause thieves to steal from your man as he travels to cheat on you. Eventually he will change his mind and come back to you.
If your man is travelling to cheat on you, God’s angels can actually block him by causing an accident. Your man will be forced to change his mind and come back home.
Traffic offenses.
God can cause your man to make traffic offenses and he will be delayed a lot by traffic police. Eventually your man will give up the idea of cheating on you and he will come back home.
God can warn your man in a dream.
Father in Heaven can warn your man, through a dream, and he will not to cheat on you. In the Bible God warned in a dream Abimelek king of Gerar not to sleep with a beautiful new woman he had just found (see Genesis 20:3).
Abimalek’s wife was so happy with God’s intervention.
God can send messengers to warn your man.
God can actually send messengers to your man to stop him from cheating on you. In the Bible, God did this to King David by sending him prophet Nathanael (see 2 Samuel 12:7-9).
Interference with your man’s body functions.
If your man attempts to cheat on you, God’s angels can interfere with some of his body functions.
This failure will make your man give up on his mission and he will come back to you.
The strange thing is that when your man returns to you, all his body will resume functioning perfectly.
God can do anything against cheating men.
This is what our Father in Heaven says:
Behold, I am the Lord,
the God of all flesh;
is there anything too difficult for Me?
Jeremiah 32:27
6 ways God stops your man from cheating.