Dear reader, you may not believe what I am about to tell you, but it is the real truth. Satan and demons participate in most thefts and robberies against Christians. In this article, I show you 6 ways Satan helps persons robbing Christians.
Detecting whether you have cash.
Satan and demons help thieves to know whether you have cash or not. Always pray for you wallet, cash, bank cards, and bank documents. Cover them with the Blood of Jesus Christ. Ask God our Father to make your money invisible to demons.
Making you fall into a deep sleep.
The Devil can send demons that make you fall into a deep sleep. You wake up after thieves have already left with your property. Always pray for God’s protection. Our Father in Heaven will send angels to wake you up in case of any danger.
Making your security guards fall into a deep sleep.
The Devil can send demons that make your security guards fall into a deep sleep. Guards wake up after thieves have already left with your property. Always pray for God’s protection. God will send his angels to wake up your guard before a thief breaks into your property.
Making your security dogs fall asleep.
Satan can send demons that make your security dogs fall into a deep sleep. Your security dogs wake up after thieves have already left with your property. Pray for God’s protection always.
Opening any type of lock.
Demons can help thieves open any type of lock. Always pray that God makes all your locks secure. When you pray like this, even the weakest lock will become too strong to break.
Failure to catch the thieves.
Sometimes demons can make it impossible to catch the thieves who have stolen your property. If you loose anything to thieves, pray to God our Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit to help you restore your property.