Dear reader, God‘s original plan was to copy everything in Heaven and bring it on Earth. All the good natural and man-made things you see on earth are unsatisfactory duplicates of the things in Heaven.
In this article I present to you seven things you never thought are in Heaven.
Sports facilities.
Heaven has facilities for any sports you may think of. Jesus Christ is making sure that your mansion in Heaven will be located near your favorite sport (John 14:2-6).
For example, if on Earth you loved golf, your house in Heaven will be near a beautiful golf course. The only difference is that all sports in Heaven is done in holiness to the glory of God.
Game parks.
God first made game parks in heaven and afterwards, during creation, he copied them to Earth. Heaven has all the animals you may think of, including dinosaurs.
The only difference is that the animals and birds in Heaven live in peace and harmony with each other. Secondly, in heaven you do not need to pay to watch these animals.

Heaven has its own restaurants with the best cuisine you may imagine. The only difference is that all the restaurants in heaven offer free food and services.
Entertainment theatres.
The theatres in Heaven are so advanced that it may take thousands of years for theatres on Earth to reach their standards.
Observation places.
There are observation places in Heaven where inhabitants go and watch everything happening to their relatives and friends on Earth.
Most excitement at these observation places come when a relative or friend on Earth dies in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Worship stadiums.
God created angels and human beings to worship him and for this reason Heaven has large and modern stadiums with facilities you will never see on Earth (see Exodus 9:1 and Mathew 4:10).
These stadiums were designed specifically for worshipping God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, because worship is the only major activity in Heaven (see Isaiah 6:3 and Revelation 4:8-11).
A unique transport system.
No country on Earth has a transportation system like that in Heaven. When you go to Heaven you will be amazed by how you move from one place to another, at no cost.
7 things you never thought existed in Heaven.