Before I talk about holiness, let me share with you my own experience, and how God came to use me. After receiving Jesus Christ as the Lord of my life, I developed a lot of hunger for God. I always wanted to know more about God. I tried my best to stay away from sin. And it was my practice to always read the Bible after work.
Then one evening, as I was seated on the floor of my hotel room reading my Bible, something supernatural happened. Suddenly I felt fire from above. At first I thought the hotel had caught fire, but there was no visible fire in my room. I wanted to pick the phone to alert the front desk so that they call the Fire Brigade.
But I realized that this was not ordinary fire. It was the supernatural fire of God. Moses saw fire with his physical eyes, but as for me, the fire I felt was invisible. Read here to know what happened next. This was the beginning of my worldwide ministry.
Here are the 7 ways to increase your holiness.
Reading the Bible.
Reading God’s word in the Bible regularly, and doing what it tells you to do will increase your holiness by 100 per cent.
Live a life life of repentance. Jesus Christ instructed all Christians to pray like this everyday:
And forgive us our sins,[g
as we have forgiven those who have sinned against us.[h]
Satan hates any person who repents. This is the reason why the Devil closes the mouths of many sick people. A person who dies without repenting goes to Hell.
Stay away from sin.
If you want to experience God’s glory, then stay away from sin, especially sexual immorality, anger, refusing to forgive, and the excessive desire for worldly things. These are the top four sins sending Christians to Hell.
Change your ways.
God will always talk to you, in one way or another, about your hidden sins. You have to change for the sake of entering Heaven.
Keep your mind holy.
Holiness starts in the mind. Drive from your mind any unholy thoughts.
Live a life of prayer.
Satan and demons always want you to sin against God so that you go to Hell. A life of prayer will keep Satan and demons away.
Think about Hell.
Hell is real. Many times I have changed my ways for fear of going to Hell.
Benjamin Chibale
Brother Marko,
Kindly send us the messages on the subject the power of Holiness and the Characteristics of honess.
We will be very grateful for your kindness of seeing many people come to the saving faith of believing in the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through your support.
We will be waiting to hear from your positive response soon.
Yours sincerely,
Benjamin Chibale, Reach and Touch Christian Ministries, Kasama, Zambia.
Makko Musagara
Hi, all my messages are on my websites (Blog articles). Please read them.