8 movies that make Jesus walk away from your home.

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8 movies that make Jesus walk away from your home.




Makko Musagara




Dear reader, some Christians keep wondering why they will never feel the presence of God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit in their homes.

In this article I show you 8 movies that turn Jesus away from your home.

Movies showing nudity.

If you are a Christian, and you have in your home any movie, kept in any form, that depicts nudity, then know that Jesus Christ may find it difficult to enter your home. Your home will be stinking because of this movie. Get rid of this movie to restore the God’s fragrance into your home.

Movies exalting Satan and demons.

Throw away any movie that exalts the power of Satan and demons. Keep only movies that glorify the power of God our Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

A blue movie (i.e. a pornographic movie).

Your home will stink if you are a Christian and you are keeping a pornographic movie, in any form, within your home. Jesus Christ will move away from your house. Get rid of such a movie to restore God’s presence within your home.

Movies that promote unbelief and atheism.

A movie promoting unbelief and atheism will make your home stink. Jesus Christ will walk away because of such a movie. Keep movies that glorify faith in God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

Movies showing extreme violence.

Violence belongs to Satan. The kingdom of God is the kingdom of peace (see Matthew 10:13).

Movies demeaning the power of God.

Throw away any movie humiliating the power of our God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ may find it difficult to enter your home if you keep, in any form, a movie promoting witchcraft, the occult, and devil worship.

Hatred and Resentment.

Get rid of any movie that promotes hatred and resentment. The kingdom of God is a kingdom of love and unity.



8 movies that make Jesus walk away from your home.


Prayer that blocks Satan.


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