How Demons Speak.

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How Demons Speak.



Makko Musagara



How Demons Speak.

Dear reader, you may not believe it, but it is true. Demons can actually speak – just like human beings. In this article, I show you how demons speak.

Demons come from witches and Satanists.

Demons that attack people usually come from witches and Satanists after their clients have paid them the sacrifices required to complete the required demonic mission.

Demons occupy human bodies before they speak.

In order to speak, demons first occupy and take control of the bodies of the targeted human beings. They take control of all the victim’s senses and actions, including speech. This is called demonic possession.

When such an attack takes place, the victim may not know what is happening because all his senses and actions have been hijacked by the demon. After deliverance, you hear many victims ask, “What is going on? Why am I here?” Why do you surround me?

Demons spoke in the Bible.

There are several examples where we see demons speaking in the Bible. In Matthew 8:29, the demons asked Jesus,


29 “What do you want with us, Son of God?” they shouted. “Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?”


Matthew 8:29

Demons give reasons to attack.

Demons will always give reasons to attack or possess someone. One time, during a deliverance session, we asked a demon why he was attacking this innocent young woman.

The demon answered from the perspective of the person who had bewitched the woman,

Why does she go to good schools, while my own daughters just sit at home. She will not go to those good schools anymore. We will make life difficult for her,” the demons said.

We cast out those demons and this young woman was at peace. She went on to finish her studies and now has a very good job.

Demons reveal who sent them.

Never trust demons. If you ask them, they will always reveal the name of the person who sent them and the sacrifice that was made to the witch or satanist.

Demons always beg for mercy.

When they sense authority, demons immediately beg for mercy. In the Bible, demons felt the fire coming from Jesus and they begged for mercy as follows:

31 The demons begged Jesus, “If you drive us out, send us into the herd of pigs.”


Matthew 8:31


When you are filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, demons will see fire all around the place. In the case of the young woman I mentioned above, the demons pleaded with us,


This place is too hot, we are leaving now!


They fled and the young woman was completely restored.



How to handcuff demons.

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