Dear reader, I was hesitant to write this article because some people view trances differently. What changed my mind is that God speaks to me a lot through trances. In this article I talk about God’s language of trances.
God’s Kingdom has trances as well.
Most trance experiences are related to the dark world of Satan. However, the truth is that trances happen in God’s Kingdom as well.
God spoke to Apostle Peter through a trance experience in Acts 10:10-17. Again we see God speaking to Apostle Paul through a trance in Acts 22:17-21.
My first trance experience.
Early in my salvation through Jesus Christ, one hot afternoon I was seated in my office that was 50 kilometers from my home. Suddenly I felt like I involuntarily wanted to close my eyes.
Then, abruptly, I saw something like a vision. In this vision I saw a woman dressing, as she checked herself in a mirror. When I looked closely at the woman, I realized she was my wife dressing in our own home!.
I wondered whether what I had seen was real. I quickly picked up my phone and called my wife who was in our home 50 km away.
After all the pleasantries and jokes, I politely asked her: “What are you doing right now?” Her answer shocked me. This is what she told me: “I have been bathing, and I am dressing up right now!“. This is exactly how I had seen her in the trance!
You can clearly see how God spoke to me through this trance experience.
A trance on a round table.
I had just got my current job twelve years ago when I was invited for a meeting with three executives of our organization.
We were seated on a round table when I felt like unwittingly closing my eyes. Suddenly all the three executives and their notebooks disappeared.
Instead, I saw many yellow banana’s covering the round table in front of us! Then the vision disappeared within seconds! I saw the executives again around the table!
In this quick trance the Lord was showing me the blessings I would see in that job. When I reflect on that trance after twelve years, our Father in Heaven has indeed provided the blessings as he showed me in that trance.
The woman in a wedding dress.
I recall one time I was seated under the shade of a mango tree near our house as I read my Bible. Suddenly I felt like unwittingly closing my eyes.
Abruptly, all the letters on the Bible page I was reading disappeared! Instead, I saw an image of a young lady dressed in beautiful wedding gown.
When I looked closely at the woman in the trance image, it was my eldest daughter! Then the trance abruptly ended! Because of my previous experiences with divine trances.
I was pretty sure that God was revealing to me that my eldest daughter was about to be wedded. I quickly wrote a note to her saying: “Rebecca, get ready for a beautiful wedding. The Lord has revealed this to me”
In less than a year, my daughter got married in a grand wedding ceremony.
God revealed to me a very dangerous situation.
I remember one time a mechanic changed the two front tires of my car, but he completely forgot to tighten all the nuts of one of the tires. After paying him, I set off for a 50 km drive back home. I had barely driven for two kilometers when I heard some noise from the front of the car.
After all the day’s work, and my visit to the mechanic, I was so tired that I did not want anything else to delay me. I made up my mind to check the cause of this noise after I had reached home. What I did not realize was that the loose nuts were starting falling off the tire one by one!
When I reached home I walked direct to the living room where I sat to have some rest. As soon as I sat in the sofa, I felt my eyes unwittingly close. Then, suddenly I saw a vision. In this vision I saw a very high voltage overhead power transmission cable.
The strange thing about this cable was that it was sagging so loose that it was about to touch my head! In this vision I was about to be electrocuted by this very dangerous sagging cable! Then I suddenly woke up from this trance. I knew God was warning me of a very serious danger that was about to happen.
I immediately called a car mechanic to check on my vehicle. After checking, the mechanic told me as follows:
Boss, you are a very lucky man. If you were to drive this vehicle again, you would have been involved in a very serious accident because four of the nuts of the front right tire have already fallen off. Only one nut remains.
Numerous other trances.
Since my salvation in Jesus Christ, the Lord has spoken to me through numerous trances like these. These trances take place when the Lord wants to show me something urgently.
These trances do not last more than 30 seconds but contain a lot of supernatural images that require divine wisdom and instant interpretation.
God’s language of trances.