Dear reader, during your night sleep, have you ever had a dream where you couldn’t find your car, your wallet or your cash? In that dream, you left some of those personal items somewhere, but you check them later and they are not there.
You suddenly wake up feeling sad because you have lost something valuable in your dream, while you were sleeping. If this happened, I can tell you now that the Devil most likely stole your blessings from you while you were sleeping.
Restoring stolen blessings in your dreams.
Don’t think you can’t do anything when the Devil steals your blessings through your dreams. In this article I show you what you can do to restore your stolen blessings.
Get out of bed and pray.
After having such a dream, never go back to sleep without fighting back. If you do nothing, your blessings could actually be stolen from the physical world. When you wake up after having such a dream, go straight to prayer.
Ask Heavenly Father to restore everything the devil stole from you while you slept. You can even ask our Father to restore double what the enemy took because it is written that:
Instead of your shame
you will receive a double portion,
and instead of disgrace
you will rejoice in your inheritance.
And so you will inherit a double portion in your land,
and everlasting joy will be yours.
Isaiah 61:7
When you do this, God will command his angels to restore your stolen blessings.
What happened to me.
I remember once I had a bad dream. In this dream, I had parked my car somewhere, but when I came back I did not find it where I had parked it! I checked everywhere and couldn’t find it. Then I woke up from this bad dream, still looking for my car.
How I fought back.
When I woke from this dream, I realized that the Devil had stolen; or was trying to steal, my blessings during my sleep. I sat on my bed and said the Lord’s prayer. Then I prayed as follows:
In Jesus’s Name I bind those demons that are trying to steal my blessings. I cast them into the bottomless pit, never to come back to me. Father in Heaven, it is written in your Word that you will restore whatever the enemy has stolen (Joel 2:25). Lord, please restore whatever the Devil stole from me during my sleep. Let your angels bring to me twice what the enemy took from me. In Jesus‘s Name I pray.
Something supernatural happened.
You may not believe what happened. But it is actually true. After that prayer I went back to sleep knowing that God will do great things. During that sleep I got a very good dream. In that dream I saw a brand new truck. It was waiting for me to drive it! I walked to this truck, entered and I started it. I woke up suddenly as I drove away the truck!
Dear reader, you can see that our Father in Heaven restored my stolen blessings when I fought back in prayer.