Dear reader, many times God wants to tell you that he is happy with you. One of the ways our Father in Heaven does this is through dreams. In this article I give you 14 dreams showing God is happy with you. Start thanking God as soon as you get any, or more, of these 14 dreams. After thanking God, pray that the Devil does not steal your blessings God has given you.
Meeting a good President or Head of State.
Usually our Father in Heaven presents himself in dreams as a good President, or Head of State. Meeting a good President or Head of State in a dream means God is pleased with you. You have found favor in God’s eyes.
Raindrops falling on you.
Raindrops falling on you in a dream means God is pleased with you. He is sending a lot of blessings in your life.
Live fish.
Live fish swimming in a dream means that God is happy with you. Great blessings are about to come your way.
Ripe fruits.
Ripe fruits before you mean that God is pleased with you. God is bringing a lot blessings to you. Dreaming fruits that are not yet ripe means God is preparing a lot of blessings for you, but those blessings may take time.
On top of a mountain or a hill.
God has given you victory when you see yourself on top of a mountain or hill.
Climbing a ladder.
Climbing a ladder in dream means God is happy with you. God is moving you to a higher level.
Moving to a beautiful place.
Moving to a beautiful place in a dream means God is happy with you. God is about to bless you more.
Dressed in white.
Wearing white clothes in a dream means God is happy with you. You may get a divine assignment soon.
Dressed in clean clothes.
Wearing clean clothes in a dream means our Father in Heaven is pleased with your life. Repent when you dream wearing dirty clothes.
Bathing or having a shower.
Showering or bathing with clean water in a dream means God is pleased with you. Your sins have been washed away.
One or three drops of hot water falling on you.
Seeing one or three drops of hot water falling on you in a dream means God is pleased with you. God is anointing you with the power of the Holy Spirit for a divine purpose.
Standing before many people.
Standing before many people in a dream means God has chosen you from among many people. You are a blessed person.
Army men or policemen protecting you.
Army men or police protecting you in a dream mean God has dispatched angels to protect you. God is pleased with you.
Surviving death.
Surviving death in a dream means God loves you. God’s angels will protect you in many ways.