Dear reader, if you were once a strong Christian, but have now abandoned Jesus Christ, then you are heading into great danger. In this article I show eight dangers of abandoning Jesus Christ.
The type of Christian I’m talking about.
I’m talking about Christians who sought God with all their hearts. They loved Jesus Christ, prayed and regularly read the word of God written in the Bible.
They praised and worshiped God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. These Christians loved Jesus Christ with all their hearts. Now they have fallen. They no longer seek God.
Satan will take revenge.
When you abandon Jesus Christ and refuse to repent, the Devil will wait for the day you leave this world. When you leave this world, it will be the day of Satan’s vengeance. The following will happen.
You will not eneter heaven.
Because you refused to repent while still living on Earth, the angels of God will refuse to open the gates of Heaven for your entry.
Satan’s torture chambers.
When you leave this world, the first thing the Devil will do is lock you in his torture chambers.
Shout the name of Jesus Christ.
When you were still a strong Christian, you shouted the name of Jesus Christ. This name has caused much destruction in Satan’s kingdom. Now it will be time for Satan to take revenge by torturing you.
Revenge for your prayers.
When you were still a Christian, your prayers caused a lot of damage in Satan’s kingdom. Satan will take revenge by torturing you.
You hurt demons.
When you were still a Christian, you bound and cast out demons. Satan will torture you for hurting his demons.
Eternal torment.
Satan’s vengeance will not last a day. The Devil will torment you until the day of God’s judgment.
You will be taken to hell.
On God’s judgment day, you will finally be cast into hell.
Repent now.
Dear reader, if you were once a very strong Christian and now you have abandoned Jesus Christ, you better repent before our Heavenly Father.
When you do this, God will restore you and Jesus Christ will save you from going down to Satan’s torture chambers.
Eight dangers of abandoning Jesus Christ.