This amazing experience by Apostle Paul is not in the Bible

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Alt=This amazing experience by Apostle Paul was not recorded in the Bible
This amazing experience by Apostle Paul is not in the Bible.




Makko Musagara




This amazing experience by Apostle Paul was not recorded in the Bible.

Dear reader, as I informed you in one of my recent articles (see: Two amazing facts about Jesus not recorded in the Bible), what you read in the Bible is only about 33% of what actually happened. The remaining 77% was recorded in God’s books only found in Heaven.

In this article I present to you Apostle Paul’s amazing experience never recorded in the Bible

Paul stoned to near-death in Lystra.

The amazing experience I am about to tell you happened in Lystra where Paul had just prayed for a lame man who was instantly healed (see Acts 14:8-10).

After the lame man was healed, a crowd of onlookers wanted to worship Paul thinking he was a god. But then the situation changed drastically as shown in the Bible verse below:


Then some Jews came from Antioch and Iconium and won the crowd over.

They stoned Paul and dragged him outside the city, thinking he was dead.


Acts 14:19


Here is Apostle Paul’s amazing experience never recorded in the Bible.

After Paul’s near-death experience, he wanted to sleep that night, but he could not, because he was restless and burdened with the word of the Lord.

Paul arose in the middle of the night and, all alone, went outside the city of Lystra ( in present-day Turkey)  to pray. Because of the suffering he had endured during the day, Paul wanted to pray from a secluded place, therefore he  slowly ascended  the side of an old volcanic mountain near the town of Lystra.

As Paul climbed, he felt weak because of the stoning he had suffered during day.

God sent an angel to help Paul climb the mountain.

As Paul slowly climbed the mountain, something strange happened. He suddenly saw God’s angel hold his arm helping him to climb further up the mountain!

God sent a heavenly chariot to pick up Paul.

As Paul and the angel slowly climbed the mountain, suddenly a heavenly chariot appeared! The chariot was driven by someone who appeared like heavenly light and it stopped very near Paul.

The glory of God covered Paul and at first he thought he was in a trance, but this was a reality! It was God’s chariot from Heaven!

Then he found himself lying prostrate inside the heavenly chariot which then flew far above the mountain into the night sky above Lystra city.

Paul found himself in Heaven!

The chariot rose above the lower heavens until it reached the third heaven where Paul started hearing heavenly music! God‘s angels were singing some new songs he had never heard of before.

The crystal river.

Then Paul saw a crystal river with magnificent trees on its banks. Near these trees was someone talking to a group of people who had just arrived from Earth.

Later the  driver of the chariot told Paul that the person who was talking to that group of people was Moses. He was explaining to them the mysteries of the river and the tree of life.


This amazing experience by Apostle Paul was not recorded in the Bible
Paul saw a crystal river with magnificent trees on its banks.


Paul returns to Lystra.

Paul’s experience in Heaven lasted a short time and suddenly the chariot descended at a lighting speed. In a few seconds Paul started seeing the lights of Lystra which was at the foot of the mountain, but all the people were asleep.

The chariot landed at the exact place on the mountain where it had picked up Paul and the driver waved goodbye, and in an instant, it was gone.

Paul suddenly felt supernatural strength and  an extraordinary anointing of the Holy Spirit. He prayed non-stop at the mountain until day break.

You will read more about this amazing experience when you go to Heaven.



This amazing experience by Apostle Paul was not recorded in the Bible.


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