Dear reader, you may not believe what I about to tell you, but it is what our Father in heaven told me. The most powerful prayer on earth does not have many words as you may think.
It may not even take more that five minutes to pray or read this prayer. In a few minutes I will show you the most powerful prayer on earth.
How the Lord showed me this prayer.
I was in a hotel reading my Bible when suddenly the spiritual atmosphere changed. An invisible fire descended from heaven into my hotel room.
I thought the hotel had caught fire but I realized that this was not an ordinary fire. What I was experiencing was a supernatural divine experience.
What the Lord showed me.
During this supernatural experience the Lord showed me seven Bible verses ending with Luke 11:4. (Read: What the Lord showed me about “Lead us not into temptation”).
During this supernatural revelation, the Lord asked me to tell all Christians that he will stop the devil from tempting them or from putting them under trials, if the pray like this:
And forgive us our sins,
For we also forgive everyone who is indebted to us.
And do not lead us into temptation,
[a]But deliver us from the evil one.
Luke 11:4
This is what God will do.
When a Christian prays as indicated above, our Father in heaven will not give Satan permission to come and tempt that Christian, or to put that Christian under trials.
The Lord’s Prayer is the most powerful prayer on earth.
From the experience and explanation mentioned above, the Lord informed me that the Lord’s Prayer is the most powerful prayer on earth.
If you sincerely pray the Lord’s Prayer from the bottom of your heart, our Father will respond by stopping Satan and demons from tempting you, or from putting you under trials.