Satan loads his clients with endless burdens

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Satan loads his clients with endless burdens.




Makko Musagara




Dear reader, if you are consciously or unconsciously connecting to the Devil and his kingdom, then rest assured that your problems will never end – until you fully surrender your life to Jesus Christ. By connection, I mean activities that directly open your life to the entrance of demons. In this article, I am talking about Satan’s never-ending burdens.

Satan has no permanent solution.

Unlike Jesus Christ, the Devil will never give you a permanent solution to your problems. He can take away one problem, and then in exchange, he will leave you with two burdens. The end will always be death.

Judas Iscariot.

The Bible tells us that Judas Iscariot developed ideas of treason, so Satan entered into him and took control of him (Luke 22:3). When he was approached by Jesus’ enemies, he readily accepted their diabolical offer to arrest Jesus Christ. You might think that Judas may have gotten a promotion in Satan’s kingdom. This was not the case. The Devil eventually killed Judas (Matthew 27:5).

After using you, the Devil will kill you.

If you make an alliance with Satan through contacts with his agents, he will use you to promote his kingdom. Eventually, he will get rid of you so that you will not reveal his secrets.

The end is hell.

Satan knows that he will never enter heaven. That is why he wants all his agents to perish with him in hell.



Satan loads his clients with endless burdens.


Prayer that blocks Satan.


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