How Satan hijacks a person’s mind

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How Satan hijacks a person’s mind.




Makko Musagara




To begin, of all the parts of the human body, the part that the devil attacks the most is the mind. If the devil can control your mind, then he knows he has control over your life. This article shows you how Satan hijacks minds and what you can do to pevent this hijack.

You have the mind of God.

As indicated in Genesis 1:27 God created you in His image:


So God created mankind in his own image,
    in the image of God he created them;
    male and female he created them.


That’s why you have the mind of God. In fact, your mind is supposed to have a creative power like God’s. Your faith is supposed to be like God’s, where you can say to a mountain, “Go ahead, throw yourself into the sea,” and it actually happens.

Also, you’re supposed to have an imagination like God’s: you imagine positive things in the spiritual world and they appear in the physical world.

How Satan hijacks a person’s mind.

As a matter of fact, the Devil is always against God and His creation. Satan‘s aim is to take control of your mind so that you don’t imagine or think like God. He does this by suggesting evil things into your mind.

Moreover, this is what Satan did when he tempted Eve. Instead of suggesting to Eve that:


You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. 


Genesis 3:4


That is how Satan hijacks minds.

Negative thoughts and imaginations.

Satan wants you to always have negative thoughts and bad imaginations. He wants you to think of hatred, jealousy, pride, wickedness, failure, despair, and anger.

The devil always wants you to have thoughts of fear, worry, anxiety, shame, and discouragement. Satan wants your mind to be filled with images of sexual immorality, lust, covetousness, and everything that will lead you to hell.

Always guard your mind.

Guard your mind by resisting Satan’s suggestions of bad thoughts and imaginations. You can do this by focusing on thoughts of faith, boldness, hope, success, honor, peace, joy, mercy, humility, blessing others, and the Word of God in the Bible.

Always let your mind be filled with imaginations of godly things. Focus only on things that will get you to heaven.



Prayer that blocks Satan.


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