Dear reader, Heavenly Father will do many things in your life if you decide to return to him. In this article, I have selected the best seven.
God will return to you.
Therefore tell the people:
This is what the Lord Almighty says:
‘Return to me,’ declares the Lord Almighty,
‘and I will return to you,’
says the Lord Almighty.
Zechariah 1:3
God will purify you.
I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean;
I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols.
Ezekiel 36:25
God will forgive you all your sins.
I will cleanse them from all the sin they have committed against me and will forgive all their sins of rebellion against me.
Jeremiah 33:8
God will restore you.
If you return to the Almighty, you will be restored:
If you remove wickedness far from your tent
and assign your nuggets to the dust,
your gold of Ophir to the rocks in the ravines,
then the Almighty will be your gold,
the choicest silver for you.
Jesus Christ will set you free.
So if the Son [Jesus Christ] sets you free,
you will be free indeed.
John 8:36
You will be healed.
He said,
“If you listen carefully to the Lord your God
and do what is right in his eyes,
if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees,
I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians,
for I am the Lord, who heals you.”
Exodus 15:26
You will receive eternal life.
Very truly I tell you,
whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life
and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life.
John 5:24
The Lord will make you prosperous.
Then the Lord your God will make you most prosperous
in all the work of your hands and in the fruit of your womb,
the young of your livestock and the crops of your land.
The Lord will again delight in you and make you prosperous,
just as he delighted in your ancestors,
Deuteronomy 30:9
This will happen if you return to God.