Why you sould be happy with your salary

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Be happy with your salary.





Makko Musagara




Dear readers, many workers believe that they would be happier if they got a salary raise. This is a mistaken belief. In this article, I show you why you should be happy with your current salary.

What John the Baptist said.

To begin, some Roman soldiers went to John the Baptist and asked him “What should we do?“. Apparently these army men were of the lower rank who were poorly paid.

In other words, they were asking John the Baptist:


Our salaries are too low, what can we do to earn more? Is it acceptable to extort money from civilians?


 Luke 3:14


Interestingly, John the Baptist had a different view. He talked from God’s perspective. He told the Roman soldiers like this:


Don’t extort money and don’t accuse people falsely—be content with your pay.


Luke 3:14


No one earns enough.

From experience, I have realized that no employee on earth earns an adequate salary. Why? Because even the one you admire, who earns more than you, is not satisfied with what he earns. He always pressures his bosses to get more. The truth is that well-paid workers need more money to spend than those who earn little.

How to multiply the little salary you get.

As a matter of fact, your salary has a  direct connection with the Kingdom of God. Heavenly Father can use the little you get to make you a very rich and blessed person.

All that God wants you to do is to deduct 10 per cent of your salary and take it to His house ( the Church). If you do this, God has promised to throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough for you to store it.

If  you follow this advice, God will prevent financial losses in your life, and the little salary you get will begin to multiply. Additionally, God will open other doors for you to generate income. Then all the nations will call you blessed, for yours will be a delightful life (Malachi 3:10-12).



Why you sould be happy with your salary.


Prayer that blocks Satan.


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