Read how God talked to me in a strange way.

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Read how God talked to me in a strange way.




Makko Musagara




Dear reader, since I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I have never heard an audible voice from God. What I am about to share with you is a classic example of how God speaks to you, in a different way.

The huge banana bunch.

I live in a tropical rainy climate, so I can grow a few green banana trees all year round for food in a small garden near my home. Since I apply organic manure, the banana bunches are usually huge and sometimes the banana tree break before harvest because of the weight of these fruit bunches.

To prevent the stems from breaking, we usually install long wooden poles fixed to the ground to support the banana tree.

God spoke to me.

One day, I was returning home from work and, after parking my vehicle, my gaze unintentionally wandered toward a mature banana tree in my yard that had a huge bunch of green bananas. I had already agreed with my wife that this bunch of bananas would be eaten during the upcoming Christmas festivities. As I looked at it, a strange thought came to my mind.

The thought said,


This banana tree with a big bunch of fruit is about to collapse. I will ask my housekeeper to install a wooden pole to prevent the stem from breaking.


I did not know that it was God who had put this thought into my mind. God was speaking to me, although I did not know it (Job 33:14)!

Since I was tired from the day’s work, I ignored God’s voice and instead asked my housekeeper to remove the groceries from my car. I never told her anything about the banana tree as God had asked me to. Instead, I went straight to my bathroom to take a shower.

The Cost of Disobeying God’s Voice.

After taking a shower and changing my clothes, I went to the kitchen where my housekeeper gave me some bad news. She said,


Boss, the stem of the big bunch of bananas you were planning to eat on Christmas Day just broke, and the bunch of bananas fell to the ground!


I didn’t believe her report until I went out into the small banana garden and confirmed it for myself. Sure enough, the stem of the banana had broken, and the huge bunch of green bananas was on the ground!

I asked the housekeeper,


The stem of this banana was standing upright just a few moments ago. When did it break?


She replied,


As soon as you went to take a shower!


I wish I had obeyed God’s voice! I wish I had put it off and done what God told me to do!


That means we have to buy bananas for Christmas” I thought.


Dear reader, God speaks to you every day through voices like this. They come as thoughts, but they are not your thoughts. They are God’s voice speaking to you. Learn to discern God’s voice and put into practice what He wants. If you do this, you will succeed in life.



Read how God talked to me in a strange way.


Prayer that blocks Satan.


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