Forgiving is a weapon

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Forgiving is a weapon.




Makko Musagara



Dear reader, God has given you a weapon many Christians do not know about. It is the weapon of forgiving. This post shows you why forgiving is such a powerful weapon.

Forgiving is an act of righteousness.

When you forgive, you align yourself for blessings from God our Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and God’s Holy Angels.


For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.


Mathew 6:14-16


Forgiving closes doors for demons.

When you do not forgive, you open the doors for demons to come into your life and torment you. Your situation becomes worse because of your refusal to forgive.

Satan and demons will use God’s written scriptures to attack and occupy your body to torment it. When you decide to forgive, all those doors are closed. You will be set free. You will be innocent before God.

Forgiving sets free the other person.

When you do not forgive, your anger evokes evil spirits which attack the other person. The other person will be kept in bondage. When you decide to forgive, the other person is freed from your anger. Evil spirits from your anger will no longer attack that person.

Forgiving saves you from Hell.

When you refuse to forgive, the Devil has a reason to attack you because you would be disobeying God. Satan has all reasons to drag you into Hell. But when you forgive, God cleanses you with the Blood of Jesus Christ.

The Devil has no right to attack you. You will be in the hands of God’s angels. You will be spared from perishing.into Hell. Instead, you will be destined for Heaven.



Forgiving is a weapon.


Prayer that blocks Satan.




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