Dear reader, our Lord Jesus Christ instructed one person in the Bible to do something very interesting. And Jesus will repeat the same action when he comes back. Jesus told this person as follows:
He told her, “Go, call your husband and come back”.
John 4:16
This person had many sex partners, but she hid this secret from Jesus Christ. She said:
I have no husband.
This person did not know that in the physical world, at that very moment, she looked single. But within the spiritual realm, this person had many sex partners. After this discernment, Jesus Christ told her as follows:
You are right when you say you have no husband. 18 The fact is, you have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband. What you have just said is quite true.
Today’s Christians with very many sex partners.
If Jesus Christ was to return today, he would ask the same question to every Christian. Jesus will ask married and single Christians this question:
Tell me, how many sex partners do you have right now?
Many married Christians will say they have only one partner. And most single Christians will tell Jesus Christ that they have no partner at all. But this will not be the case within the spiritual realm. Within the supernatural world Jesus will see these married and single Christians with very many sex partners. Jesus will ask them:
How come I see you have very many sex partners.
The reason some Christians have many sex partners.
There are two reasons why many Christians have uncountable sexual partners within the spiritual realm.
Reason number one.
If you are a Christian, and you admire or look lustfully at another person. That person will immediately become your sex partner, within the spiritual realm. Read Mathew 5:28 to understand what I am telling you.
Reason number two.
If you are a Christian, and you look or watch any pornographic character who is in a picture or in a video, that person will immediately become your sex partner, within the spiritual realm. This is why pornography is so dangerous to any Christian. This is the major reason why many single Christians have uncountable sex partners within the spiritual realm.
Dear reader, I know that you have a lot of desire to go to Heaven. Let us try our best to live holy lives that will enable us enter Heaven.