Attending a church service is like washing your car.

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Attending a church service is like washing your car.




Makko Musagara




Dear reader, from the supernatural visions that I see in every church service, I have drawn a conclusion. Attending a church service is like washing your car.

Here is the church I am talking about.

To begin with, the church mentioned in this article is one where God’s ministers want to glorify God our Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit at all times.

Most importantly, these servants of God must hate sin in all its forms and constantly seek holiness to enable them to enter heaven any time.

Your mind is contaminated every day.

First, we need to understand that our minds are always under attack by Satan and demons. These attacks bring to your mind dirty thoughts of anger, sexual immorality, hatred, worry, fear, doubting God, insulting other people, and all sorts of wicked imaginations. Consequently, your mind is contaminated.

Your body and soul get contaminated each day.

Secondly, anything that defiles your mind will automatically also make your body and soul impure. Additionally, some of the bad dreams we have while sleeping contaminate our soul.

Therefore, after each day your body, mind and soul need to be washed by the presence of God our Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit that can only be found in a church service.


Your mind, saul and spirit need regular cleaning.

Consequently, we must think about the following intriguing comparison. Since you wash your body daily with soap and clean water, how do you cleanse your contaminated mind, soul and spirit?

Since these three are spiritual, it means you need a spiritual detergent to clean them. This spiritual cleanser is found within God’s presence in a church service.

I see cleansing visions every time I attend a church service.

In this respect, the Lord has gifted me with the ability to look into the supernatural realm. Therefore, I would like to share with you the most common supernatural visions I see every time I attend a church service.

These visions have made me believe that attending a church service is like washing your car.


Alt=Attending a church service is like washing your car.
I see cleansing visions every time I attend a church service.

1. Hands washing dirty clothes.

As I sit in a church service, many times I see hands washing the dirty clothes of congregants.

2. Clean water flowing over the bodies of church congregants.

At other times I see pure clean water flowing over the bodies of the congregants.

3. Hands washing kitchen utencils with clean water.

On other occasions I see hands washing kitchen utencils (I believe the utencils represent church members).

4. Hands cleaning a bathtub.

Sometimes during a church service I see hands cleaning a bathtub.

5. Hands cleaning a bathroom wash basin.

Also, during some Sunday church services I see visions of hands cleaning  something in a wash basin.

As you can see in all the visions indicated above, there is a lot of spiritual cleansing during a church service. This is why I conclude that attending a church service is like washing your car.





The weapon to stop Satan is actually found in Luke 11:4


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