Attending a church service is like washing your car.

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, from the supernatural visions that I see in every church service, I have drawn a conclusion. Attending a church service is like washing your car. Here is the church I … Continued

Complaining and arguing with God will rob you of your heavenly blessings.

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, stop blaming God about your situation. Complaining and arguing with God will rob you of your heavenly blessings. You are making your life harder. First, you need to know that … Continued

Cómo Satanás obtiene el permiso de Dios para tentar a los cristianos

Cómo Satanás obtiene el permiso de Dios para tentar a los cristianos. Por Makko Musagara Estimado lector, puede que no lo creas, pero es verdad; y está respaldado por la Palabra escrita de Dios. Satanás continuamente va delante de Dios … Continued