Dear reader, while you sleep at night, Satan and the demons do not sleep. The Devil is busy instructing his main demons to do things that will lead people to Hell. One of the instructions he gives to his principalities is to spread the demonic spirit of division.
Satan hates unity.
The devil does not like unity in nations, churches, communities and families. He knows that people become very strong when they are united.
Satan’s instructions.
While you sleep, Satan commands his greatest trusted demons to roam nations, cities, communities, and homes blowing the spirit of division – just as a smoker blows smoke from his mouth and nose.
People wake up in the morning not knowing what the Devil has done and start insulting each other or fighting.
When you see divisions within your family, communities, groups, and associations, know that this is the effect of the demonic spirit of disunity that Satan has instilled upon these entities.
Your weapon against the spirit of disunity.
God has given you a weapon that destroys the spirit of disunity. It is the weapon of prayer. Start by binding the spirit of disunity within your vicinity. Then ask God to bring the spirit of unity.
Jesus was aware of Satan’s spirit of disunity.
As his time for cross came closer, Jesus prayed for all those who would believe him in this world. He was aware of this spirit of disunity, therefore in his prayer, the first thing he prayed for was the unity of all believers. Listen to Jesus’s words in this prayer:
I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.
John 17:20-21
Pray for unity always.
During your daily prayers, always remember to pray for a spirit of unity in your family, workplace, community, and your nation.
The demonic spirit of division.