Satan and demons are less active during day when you are awake. They are more active at night when most Christians are asleep. In this article I give you the main reason why Satan and demons attack you mostly during your sleep.
Your awakened state.
Your body, spirit, and soul are very strong when you are awake. Satan and demons may find it very difficult to attack you in your awakened state. Secondly, when you are awake, your mind may sometimes focus on heavenly things. Godly thoughts invite God’s presence which give a Christian divine protection.
Your sleeping state.
Your body, spirit, and soul are very weak in your sleep state. Satan and demons find it very easy to attack you in your sleep state because you are weak spiritually. During your sleep, your mind is less preoccupied with heavenly affairs. This makes your mind less strong than when you are awake.
Do these seven things before you sleep. You will be protected from demonic attacks.
Pray for the area outside your house.
Cover the area outside your house with holy fire and the Blood of Jesus Christ. Lay your hands on trees near your bedroom because demons sometimes rest on these trees before they attack you.
Close all spiritual doors.
Lay your hand on the walls of your bedroom, your bathroom, and on your bed. Pray to close all the spiritual doors demons are using in these places to attack you.
Cover you bedroom with the Blood of Jesus Christ.
Lay your hand on the floor of your bedroom. Cover your room with the Blood of Jesus Christ.
Cover yourself with the Blood of Jesus.
Lay your hand on your head. Cover yourself with the Blood of Jesus Christ. Close all the spiritual doors demons use to attack you.
Pray for your family members.
Sometimes when demons fail to attack you, they attack your family members. Therefore, before you sleep pray for your family members as well.
Pray for yourself.
Pray before you sleep. Start with the Lord’s Prayer. The Lord’s Prayer is very powerful. This prayer will protect you from most of Satan’s and demonic attacks.
Meditate on God’s written Word.
If you have favorite Bible verses, meditate on these verses as you sleep. This meditation will attract a heavenly atmosphere in your bedroom.
If you do everything I have told you, demons will find it very difficult to attack you during your sleep.