Dear reader, the bodies of many Christians are no longer the temples of God but temples of Satan and demons. Therefore, do this for your body to become a temple of God.
The bodies of many Christians are now temples of Satan.
First, we must understand that the bodies of many Christians are now the temples of Satan. The devil took over the bodies of these Christians because of sin.
As a result, the Holy Spirit fled from the bodies of these sinful Christians [see Ephesians 4:30]. Therefore, sin opened the door for thousands of demons to enter their bodies.
God has left the bodies of these Christians and instead you find demons of sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, etc. God cannot sit in the body of Christians with such sins.
Therefore, do this so that your body becomes a temple of God
Repent of all your sins.
First, you must repent so that all your sins can be blotted out by the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Repentance prepares you to receive the Holy Spirit.
Bind the demons in your body.
Second, you must bind the demons in your body so that they no longer move. This action is necessary if you want to drive these demons out of your body.
This simple prayer can actually bind demons. Place your hand on your head and say this prayer:
It is written that whatever we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven [Matthew 18:18]. Therefore, I bind all the demons within my body and render them powerless.

Cast out demons from your body.
Third, place your hand on your head and command all the demons within you to go to the bottomless pit [the Abyss]. You can do this using this prayer:
It is written that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit [1 Corinthians 6:19-20]. Therefore, I command all the demons in my body to go into the bottomless pit [the Abyss].
Invite the Holy Spirit to come and dwell within your body.
Next, invite the Holy Spirit to come and dwell inside your body. This simple prayer will make that invitation:
It is written that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, Holy Spirit, I invite you to come and dwell within my body.
After this prayer, you will immediately start feeling the presence of God.