Dear reader, there is something you need to know about faith in Heavenly Father. Faith in God is more powerful than praying and fasting combined.
What does it mean to have faith in God?
First, let’s define what faith is. Having faith in God means you are doubly sure that Heavenly Father will come to help you no matter what.
When a person of faith is put at gunpoint, it does not bother them because they know that God will send His angels to intervene in this situation.
A person of faith remains calm.
Unlike prayer and fasting, by which a person may appear troubled and nervous, a person who has faith always remains calm.
This person is not afraid of anything because he is sure that God will come and save him from this difficult or dangerous situation.
A person of faith can afford to sleep.

Sometimes prayer and fasting make you struggle a lot, and sometimes you may stay awake for long hours. These two elements can also bring you unrest and stress in your body and mind.
This is not the case with faith. On the contrary, despite the dangerous situation, faith gives you peace of mind and supernatural strength in your body.
During the violent storm that was about to capsize their boat, the disciples were surprised that Jesus was comfortably sleeping.
Then they asked him why he was sleeping soundly in such a storm. He responded thus (Matthew 8:26) :
You of little faith, why are you so afraid?
A person of faith does not struggle.
Additionally, prayer sometimes makes you struggle with time and your emotions. And fasting can cause a person to have difficulty with their body and their appetite for food. This is not the case with faith.
It only takes a very small amount of faith, the size of a mustard seed, to perform great miracles.
Your faith pleases God most.
Finally. if God gave you an option to choose between prayer, fasting, and faith, this article advises you to choose faith because it is written in Matthew 17:20 that:
If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.
Faith in God is more powerful than both praying and fasting combined.