Dear reader, many Christians may wonder where I got the authority, and the power, to write about the Devil. The truth is that I got this power through a supernatural encounter I had with the Lord many years ago. In this encounter the Lord gave me 5 undeniable facts to share with all Christians of all denominations. In this experience, the Lord gave me 7 Bible verses to prove the five facts he gave me.
Here are the 5 facts, and the 7 Bible verse God gave me.
Fact number 1:
Satan must get God’s permission before he tempts any Christian. The Lord gave me Luke 22:31-32 to prove this fact.
Fact number 2:
Satan can go into God’s presence to talk to our Father in Heaven. The Lord gave me Job 1:6, and Job 2:1 to prove this fact.
Fact number 3:
The reason Satan goes into God’s presence is to accuse Christians before God. Satan accuses Christians day and night before God. Satan makes these accusations to enable him get permission from God to tempt Christians. The Lord gave me Job 1:9-10, and Revelation 12:10 to prove this fact.
Fact number 4:
God can give Satan permission to tempt any Christian. Our Father in Heaven permitted Satan to tempt our Lord Jesus Christ. Not only that, our Father in Heaven can actually lead a Christian to Satan to be tempted. The Lord gave me Mathew 4:1 to prove this fact.
In Mathew 4:1 our Father in Heaven actually led Jesus Christ to the devil to be tempted.
Fact number 5:
A Christian can ask God our Father not to permit the Devil to tempt that Christian. God gave me Luke 11:4 to prove this fact. In this supernatural encounter, the Lord assured me that if any Christian prays as indicated in Luke 11:4, our Father in Heaven will deny Satan permission to tempt that Christian.
What our Father in Heaven wants.
Our Father in Heaven wants all Christians, of all denominations, to always pray the Lord’s Prayer. When you ask heavenly Father not to lead you into temptation, God will deny Satan permission to tempt you.
After the first temptation, Jesus Christ daily prayed the Lord’s Prayer. As a result, our Father in Heaven never led Jesus again to the Devil to be tempted.