God can alter results!
Dear reader, you may find some difficulty believing what I am about to tell you; but it is the real truth. God our Father is my witness. In my employment history I have sat for three interviews whereby God miraculously changed the interview results in my favor. In all these three cases, someone else was offered the job; but God vetoed the interview results and I ended up taking that job!.
The first job.
This job vacancy was advertised in the newspapers in 1997. The Organization that advertised the job needed someone with a lot of experience in Administration, plus an advanced degree in Management. I applied and was shortlisted for interviews.
But since I had no advanced degree in Management, this job was offered to a certain lady who had everything the organization wanted. What was left for this lady was to negotiate the salary with the organization’s top management.
But God was not pleased with these interview results. Our Father in Heaven wanted me to take this job. A day after the interviews had been held, two top executives of this organization met this lady to discuss her salary package. They were in a for a surprise. She was asking for a very high salary the organization could not afford!
Finally they asked her:
Can you please tell us how much salary you have been earning?
This lady was caught unaware by this question. She could not answer it because she was earning little compared to what she was demanding. So, she replied:
What you are asking is personal information. I cannot release it to you.
This response irritated the two executives a lot. In the end, they found this lady to be very arrogant. Since I was the second best alternative, I ended up getting that job.
The second job.
This job vacancy was advertised in the newspapers in 2004. This organization needed someone with experience and advanced qualifications in Management. I sat for the interviews but this job was offered to a lady who had a lot of experience and a lot of advanced qualifications in Management.
Again God did not like these results at all. Our Father in Heaven wanted me to take this job. The following day when this lady came to submit her acceptance of this job offer she asked the two top executives a question they never expected. She asked:
Do you have a vehicle for this position?.
Their response was negative. For this reason this lady declined this job offer. Since I was the second best, I ended up getting this job.
The third job.
This job was advertised in the newspapers in 2009. I sat for the interviews but, as in the previous two interviews, this job was offered to a well respected lady who had a lot experience and qualifications in management. A week after the interviews I asked this organization about the results.
I was informed that this job was offered to the best candidate who not me. As in the previous two cases mentioned above, God was not happy with these results. For this reason I was shocked when about two months later I got a call from this organization to go and take up this job!