May the glory of God cover the entire earth.
Dear reader, our Heavenly Father is very disappointed in the people he thought would obey his instructions. Consequently, God has begun to seek out the less known to further His kingdom.
Fame has destroyed God’s servants.
First, this is what the Lord says:
Fame has destroyed my servants. They seek to promote their names instead of promoting my kingdom [Philippians 2:3-4]. Now I’m looking for loyal men and women who don’t care about their name but are more concerned with promoting the expansion of my kingdom.

Sin has destroyed my servants.
Second, Heavenly Father says this:
My servants no longer fear sin. Sin has defiled my servants [Mark 7:21-23]. Now I am searching for loyal men and women who tremble at the sight of sin. People who will not allow sin to hinder the work I have assigned them.
They no longer hear my voice.
Furthermore, the Lord says:
My servants no longer hear my voice. They have become like King Saul who could no longer abide by my instructions. Therefore I am now searching for men and women who tremble at my voice, and fully obey what I tell them to do.

My servants have become entangled with the world.
Additionally, the Lord says this:
My servants have become too much entagled with the world. Consequently, there is no line separating them from the world. What has the temple of God has to do with the temple of Satan? [ 2 Corinthians 6:16-18] Therefore, now I am searching for people who have separated themselves from the world. Men and women who will touch no unclean thing. People who will be my true sons and daughters.

My servants now pursue perishable things.
Also, the Lord says this:
Now, instead of pursuing the imperishable, my servants now pursue the perishable things of the world. The perishable cannot inherit the imperishable [1 Corinthians 15:50]. This is why I am now looking for men and women whose focus is not on this world, but on my eternal kingdom.

My servants no longer fear Hell.
Again, this is what the Lord says:
My servants have overextended my great mercy. They are no longer afraid of going to hell. So I’m looking for men and women who tremble when they hear the word hell. Men and women whose daily focus is to enter heaven where they will spend their eternal life.
God has begun to seek out the least known to promote His kingdom.