Dear reader, many servants of God live in constant fear and worry, wondering whether they will ever fulfill their divine assignments. They always fearfully ask God where he thinks they will get the money to accomplish their divine missions.
In this article I show you that there is no need for such worry. Above all, our Heavenly Father is one hundred percent sure that you are capable of accomplishing your divine task. It is for this reason that God has chosen you for this mission.
Noah’s great divine assignment.
Of all God’s servants in the Bible, Noah was given the most difficult divine task. At any rate, the ark he built was so huge in terms of tools and other resources at that time. Specifically, he constructed a giant ark with hundreds of rooms that accommodated many people, and countless living creatures.
If you compare Noah’s task to the modern times, it is like God asking you to singlehandedly build a cruise ship with 3,000 guest rooms. I believe if it were you, you would daily cry and fast as you ask God where he thinks you would get all the money to build such a huge ship.
Interestingly, nowhere is it written in the Bible that Noah complained to God about the resources to build the ark.
My divine assignment.
In 1990 I got a supernatural vision in which God gave me a message that he wanted me to pass on to the whole world. You can read about this heavenly experience and message from this website. To emphasize my calling, God gave me Isaiah 2:1-3 as the overall goal for the ministry he entrusted to me.
I asked God like this:
Heavenly Father, you can see that I don’t have the capacity
to take this message to all the people in my town,
so how do you expect me to take it to the entire world?
At that time I realized that what God was telling me to do was almost impossible. But when the Lord saw my obedience, sleepless nights, and hard work, he enabled me to get well paid jobs that have facilitated me to pass on the message he gave me to all the nations of the world.
This is what God expects of you.
What God wants from you is to stop complaining and start working with all your heart on the assignment he has entrusted to you.
Do God’s work prayerfully and honorably with all your heart. If you do so, God will provide all the necessary resources to accomplish your divine mission.
Listen to what Heavenly Father says.
This is what the Lord God who called says:
If you begin to work honorably, with all your heart,
on the assignment I have entrusted to you,
I will cause all the resources you need to come to you.
God will send an angel to strengthen you.
Heavenly Father wants to inform you that during your moments of hopelessness, He will always send an angel to strengthen you. This angel may not be visible to your physical eyes, but you will feel his supernatural energy around you.
This is exactly what happened when our Lord Jesus Christ wanted to give up his mission of dying on the cross.
Listen to what the Bible says about this incident:
He withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed,
“Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me;
yet not my will, but yours be done.”
An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him.
God is confident in your ability to fulfill your divine assignment.