Dear reader, if you want to go to heaven, then you better make sure you don’t break any of God’s ten commandments. This article shows that God will ask you about His ten commandments.
Every Bible verse still counts today.
First, the Lord wants to remind everyone that every written word of God in the Bible still matters today. Hence, listen to what our Lord Jesus Christ said about this subject:
18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.
Matthew 5:18
Satan will accuse you of going against the written word of God.
Second, if you act contrary to any of God’s written word in the Bible, and you don’t repent, Satan will be waiting for you at the gates of heaven. As you are about to enter heaven, Satan will bring his records showing the Bible verse you violated, the time you committed that sin and other evidence like the clothes you were wearing at that time.
This information will be shown to the angels guarding the gates of heaven. With all this proof, it may be difficult for you to enter heaven.

God will ask you about the ten commandments.
Additionally, on Judgement day God will look into your eyes and ask you some questions. For example, if you committed adultery on earth and you never repented that sin, Jesus Christ will ask you these two questions:
Jesus Christ: Were you reading the written word of God in the Bible?
Christian: Yes, I was reading God’s word in the Bible.
Jesus Christ: What does the seventh commandment say?
Brothers and sisters in the Lord, if you never repented on earth and you do not have good answers to these questions, it will be difficult for you to enter heaven.
God will ask you about His ten commandments.