Dear reader, what I am about to tell you actually happened to me. I was bedridden and running out of breath. Life was slowly getting out of my weak body.
My attendant was continuously saying to me words of sympathy. Then suddenly I heard a voice coming out of nowhere telling me as follows:
You are not sick. Start confessing that you are not sick. Tell the Devil that you will not pay the price because Jesus Christ has already paid the price.
Inform Satan that by Jesus’s wounds you were healed. Start rebuking the spirit of death and invite the spirit of life.
Then the heavenly voice abruptly disappeared, just as it had come.
I put into practice what the heavenly voice told me.
As soon as the heavenly voice stopped talking to me, I obeyed and started saying these words loudly:
Devil, you are a liar. You want me to believe that I am seriously sick. I am not sick at all!
Satan, I will not pay the price of suffering because Jesus Christ has already paid that price on the cross!
I rebuke all the sickness within my body. Get out of my body. By Jesus’s wounds I was healed!
In the name of Jesus I command you spirit of death to leave me! Get away from me. I invite the spirit of life to come into my body.
I am no longer sick. Jesus Christ has completely healed me!
It is written that my body is the temple of God. Father in Heaven, come and dwell within my body.
God’s written word says that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit come and dwell within my body.
I was totally healed!
After making those confessions by faith, my life changed for the better. My body was suddenly energized.
All pain disappeared and my normal breathing was restored. Everything in my life retuned to normal. I no longer needed an attendant because I could now walk without any assistance.
Praise be to God!
God’s healing comes when you start saying these words.