Dear reader, you may find it hard to believe what I am about to tell you, but it is the truth. All authority on earth comes from Heavenly Father, and for this reason God usually has his own prefferred candidates to rule selected countries. At all costs and by any means, God will make sure that his candidate wins the general election of this country.
First listen to this incredible supernatural intervention by God.
About 20 years ago I was working as a senior administrator at a leading research organisation. One morning my boss called me into his office and told me that since I didn’t have a master’s Degree in Business Administration, management had decided to start the process of recruiting a more qualified administrator.
As you can guess, I stayed up most of the night thinking about the changes coming at my workplace.
Around 3:00 am, sitting up in my bed, I remembered that there is a living God who is in charge of all the earthly affairs. I knelt down and presented this matter to God like this:
Lord, you heard what my boss told me in his office. Please help me get out of this difficult situation.
As you are about to see, Heavenly Father answered my prayer in a supernatural way. Shortly after praying, I opened my Bible at random and something strange happened.
The page I opened at random contained Mathew chapter 21. Then, like a beautiful butterfly rising from a colorful flower, verse 42 gently flew out of that Bible page into my eyes!

Here is what this Bible verse said:
Jesus said to them,
“Have you never read in the Scriptures:
“‘The stone the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone;
the Lord has done this,
and it is marvelous in our eyes’[a]?
Through this Bible verse, God was telling me that no matter what, the person management has rejected will become a big issue.
Then this miracle happened.
Management went ahead and advertised my position in two national newspapers. Six applicants were shortlisted for interviews, but strange enough, for one reason or another, management never liked any of the six.
More interviews of new applicants were carried out, but still – for mysterious reasons, no suitable person was selected. This continued until mnagement got tired of this unending recruitment process and they decided like this:
Let the current administratior occupy this position.
I worked in that position for an additional five years without any disturbance from management.
God will do whatever it takes for his favorite candidate to win a general election.
As shown in the example above, in selected elections from any part of the world, Heavenly Father has his preffered candidates. He will do whatever it takes to ensure that the prefferred candidate wins that election.
Here is how God supernaturally intervenes in some general elections.