In this article I will tell you about my first abortion experience. Heaven intervened and I realized that it was a war between God and planned abortion.
Agreement with my wife.
To begin, two years before this supernatural incident, my wife and I had amicably agreed that the number of children we had was sufficient.
In fact, I was the one who made this proposal to her because I felt that I was the main breadwinner and did not want to go through the trouble of finding ways to support an additional child.
“I am pregnant”
Two years had passed and my wife and I were living happily together with our children. We had no problems. Then came my darkest night. I remember my wife waking me up as if to tell me something serious and confidential.
“Honey, it seems I am pregnant,” she said softly.
“Pregnant?” I asked her.
She answered in the affirmative. It was like a bombshell to me. For the next hour, I remained silent, wondering why my wife had betrayed me. All sleep flew away as I fought a series of negative thoughts about what my wife had just told me.
“This means I have to work overtime to provide for this unborn child,” I thought.
The idea of an abortion comes.
While my wife slept, I lay awake for a good part of the night, thinking about everything she had told me. Then, around 3 a.m., I had a “brilliant” idea:
In the morning, when my wife wakes up, I will suggest that she have an abortion.
I said to myself. Then, very happy with this idea, I fell into a deep sleep.
God miraculously intervenes.
Dear reader, it is true God sees all our thoughts and intentions even before we speak them out from our mouths. You remember how Jesus said that before you pray God already knows what you want (Mathew 6:8). This was the case this night. God saw my intentions and he took action. As I slept, I had a supernatural vision. It was a dream but not an ordinary one because everything was so clear. It was as if I was watching a 7HD colored images on a big screen.
The heavenly vision.
In this vision I saw a wall, like one of the painted walls in the bedroom of our house. On this wall was a single beautiful bright electric light (like the one in the picture above). Its light filled our entire house.
Then suddenly I saw a soldier of the lowest rank (private) in the army enter our house and walk directly toward this light. He began to pull the light off the wall, but he could not move it an inch. The light was so firm on the wall that it was unaffected by the pulling and jerking until the soldier tired and walked away.
Then a second soldier of a higher rank (sergeant) came and struggled to remove the light. This one also failed and walked away. A third soldier of a higher rank (lieutenant) came and struggled to remove the light, but he also failed. This continued as higher ranking soldiers (Brigadier, Major General, Lieutenant General and General) arrived and failed to remove this light.
Finally, in this dream, the last soldier who had the rank of Marshal (General of the Army) arrived and tried with all his might to break the light from the wall. Like all his subordinates, he failed and walked away without tilting the light a single degree.
At that moment, I heard a voice from Heaven. This voice said,
I am the one who gave you this child. No force on earth will be able to extinguish the light of this child.
Then I woke up from the vision. As I sat on my bed, my memory replayed the dream so clearly that I concluded that my wife’s pregnancy was not ordinary. I thanked God for this vision and all my thoughts of abortion disappeared.
Morning came.
In the morning, I hugged my wife and told her about my vision and what God had said. We decided to let the pregnancy develop and later, a beautiful baby girl was born. This girl is now 19 years old. This girl has brought miracles, honor and happiness to our family.
One of the miracles I can tell you now is that for the past 19 years, I have not had the difficulties I initially thought I would. For example, since our daughter started school, God has miraculously funded all her school fees.
How God Miraculously Prevented This Planned Abortion.
Regards. Plenty of content!
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Makko Musagara
Praise be to God!
Matte Gloria Agatha
Wow wow this is a very good testimony, i really thank God for her life
God is so great